From damaged hulls and docks, to international shipments of goods by ship, and injuries on piers and terminals, marine insurance spans the gamut of the marine industry. Tracing its origins to antiquity, marine insurance is one of the oldest and tradition-influenced types of insurance. By its nature, it is international in scope and application, and although there is a world-wide attempt to achieve uniformity, differences exist from country to country and even domestically from state to state.
Many of our partners have spent a large portion of their long careers focused on this fascinating and challenging field. Many of the leading court cases in this area have been litigated by members of our firm. We rely upon our thorough understanding of the interplay between admiralty law, insurance law and regulations, international treaties and conventions, as well as commercial law and practice.
Often working behind the scenes, we render opinions on coverage and strategy, evaluating the legal strengths and weaknesses of a client’s position. Surprises may be fun under some circumstances, but they are seldom welcome during litigation. We rely upon and encourage thorough analysis and a team approach to ensure the client’s success – the client is a principal team member involved in every critical decision.
We are part of a world-wide network of attorneys, adjusters, experts and surveyors who can be called upon to help accomplish the client’s goals, ranging from the arrest of a ship in a far away port to the examination and analysis of contaminated or damaged merchandise.